2019 Year End Letter - Business


2019 Year End Letter - Business


In 2018 Congress passed the largest over-haul of our tax system in over 30 years. We would like to thank our clients for making the 2018 filing season a huge success. As we gear up for the second year of the tax law changes, we are asking all our clients to be timely in the submission of your tax information due to the law’s complexity, which requires more time and effort to prepare each tax return.

Please download the PDF and take a few minutes to read through our list concerning the end of the year information we will need in order to service your account properly. Please drop or mail this information to our office as soon as possible after December 31,2019. We need health insurance paid by S-Corporations and employer provided vehicle information byDECEMBER 31, 2019 to include on W-2’s. Please see the list on the following pages for more details regarding these two items. It is imperative that you complete this questionnaire along with all new attachments.